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molino maipo chile invest benefit

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    Escudo Rojo is translated literally from the German Rote Schild – the Red Shield – and is Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile’s flagship brand In 2015, Emmanuel Riffaud became the company’s CEO but had been running the company since 2008 “Our initial investment in 1996 was visionary, just like what Baron Philippe de Rothschild did in 1979 in California for the Opus One projectBARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD CHILE Situated in the heart of the Maipo Valley, the Baron Philippe de Rothschild Chile bodega is a cuttingedge facility which combines the latest technology with the great Bordeaux winemaking tradition in the service of incomparable quality The wines are made, matured and bottled under the supervision of the winery staff and under the control of the inhouseChile Baron Philippe de Rothschild

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  • Eurochile reported benefits of EEN to entrepreneurs Cajon

    Eurochile reported benefits of EEN to entrepreneurs Cajon de Maipo In order to explore new business opportunities and technology transfer, tourism entrepreneurs of Cajón de Maipo participated in a workshop prepared by Eurochile, about the Enterprise Europe Network, the world's largest enterprise specialized in supporting SMEs The activity was held in the framework of the Al Invest IV LosMolino triturador plástico GESTER Un molino triturador se compone de una boca de entrada, que permite el acceso a las piezas de plástico y que está preparado para evitar proyectar piezas al exterior Un rotor incorpora varias cuchillas que gracias a la potencia y velocidad de giro, cortan y trituran las piezas de plástico Después, pasa por un tamiz que permite el paso a Онлайнmolinos pneus triturador

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